Friday, 4 May 2012

Call it what you want!

A child calls it a wish, Christians: prayer, Buddhists: meditation. I love when I put a thought out to the universe, however small, and it comes back to me. For example, the dress club I belong to. A few months ago I thought to myself, it would be great to have a reason to get together with my friends once a month. Two days later, without mentioning it, a client told me about the Dress Club she used to belong. I'm not sure why I'm always surprised when this happens because I truly believe in the power of thought. Or when you think about a friend and the phone rings and it's them calling. Maybe it's a coincidence... but maybe its not.

May's focus for my happiness project is Aim Higher:Work. When I was reading this chapter months ago in The Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin, I remember thinking I didn't particularly want to increase my business. I know that sounds terrible, but I just couldn't think of a way to expand my business in anyway that appealed to me. I didn't want to invest a large amount of money on equipment to offer more services (like spray tanning). I didn't want to take any additional training for esthetics when my passion is elsewhere. That doesn't mean I don't love what I do, but I also don't want to work more hours either when I finally feel after nine years I have a good balance between work, play and family. I just didn't know how it would happen.

If you have been reading my blog from the get-go, you will have read a bit on being mindful. I've been really paying attention to what I'm putting into my body, and reading a ridiculous amount on so many different topics like PH balancing, vitamin absorption, removing toxins in our bodies, etc. Often, when I'm researching products, I read WAY too much and become overwhelmed and then do nothing because I'm am so confused. Typical Gemini. Which is exactly what happened to me this past month. After spending hours reading about PH in our bodies, it left no doubt in my mind that cancer runs rampant in people that are highly acidic. One article I read said, at a PH slightly above 7.4, cancer cells become dormant and at a PH 8.5, cancer cells will die while healthy cells will live. You can control your PH through diet absolutely! Do I have the time to make sure I am always eating an alkaline diet? Almost always the answer is no. I also want to point out that I don't think everyone who is acidic is going to get cancer, but my mom, grandpa and aunt have all had some form of cancer in the past 6 years. Does that mean I will get cancer? Maybe not, but it sure makes me think. There are zillions of products out there to balance PH, but which one is best? What about multi-vitamins? I found one that I really liked but then read that when you open a bottle of vitamins, the capsules that vitamins are encased in doesn't protect the vitamins from oxidation and they become ineffective. One article I read stated, "When exposed to air, vitamin C solution undergoes oxidation and becomes not only ineffective but also potentially harmful (oxidized vitamin C may increase the formation of free radicals)". If I informed you on everything I have read recently regarding cancer and PH and free radicals, etc, etc, you would be bored out of your mind I'm sure. I'm actually boring myself a bit right now repeating it, so let me get to the point. In February, when a close friend of mine started selling detoxifying body wraps I thought, yeah right, if these were so amazing I'm sure I would have heard about them. The idea is that as you put on weight, it is actually your fat cells filling with toxins (which is actually what happens. The purpose of fat cells it to pull toxins away from your organs). Most wraps promise that you will lose inches but it's water weight you lose and it comes right back. These wraps are different. They target specific areas and force the toxins from your fat cells which is how you can see results after only 45 mins. She promised they weren't a gimmick and because I trust her, I gave them a shot. 9 days and 3 wraps later, I had lost the last inch and a half that I could not shed around my stomach (and five weeks later it's still gone)! I needed to know more. It turns out, the company "It Works!" that makes these wraps makes an entire line of homeopathic and wellness products. Again, I started doing my research (I seriously cannot help myself. I am a dork). And here is where the universe comes in... They make a product to balance your PH and boost your immune system, their vitamins have a natural mint coating to prevent oxidation until they are digested in your stomach. As I just said, the wraps remove toxins from your body. They carry protein shakes (yet another thing my body is lacking) and they are excellent for recovery post workout, like running. The list goes on. Literally every single thing I had been looking into is covered! So here goes my shameless plug, lol! I jumped on board and am proudly offering these products through my business. You can go to my website and check out the products yourself. Do your own research like I did. Sign up as a loyal customer to save 50% off your orders. And please feel free to email me if you have any questions, there is a link on my site. If you live in my area, you can have a wrap party and get your wrap for free! I have never been so excited to detox, lol!

Life is all about timing. I set the intention to increase my business this month and to also make big changes regarding my health. It just so happens I found a way to do both at the same time!

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