Day one:
Sleep more
Toss, restore, organise
Tackle nagging task
Water, vitamins
Let's start with the easy ones for a quick ego boost. Went to bed at a decent time last night, got my 9 hours. Check. Went for a run. Check. Got my water bottle ready, took my vitamin. Choke. What the hell was I thinking? Chewable vitamins? I think I almost threw up in my mouth. Also, in the future, wait to take my vitamin till AFTER my run. I was belching the entire time (Too much information?). On the plus side, I threw out all the expired medication and vitamins while I was digging out my multi-vitamins and organised them to keep the vitamins separate from the meds. Toss, restore, organise. Check. My nagging task list needs some prioritising. For example, get printer ink so I can print off my resolution charts. It's 11:30am, not too bad!
I'm rereading The Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin as I go along. She has some great ideas that I had completely forgotten about. Also, I signed up for her newsletter which has a ton of info to help you along (and some fun things to do for encouragement)!
I know some of these resolutions will be easier than others. I bought a magazine holder for beside to bed to collect all my husband's
gardening mags. Say hello to a clean dresser top! It was the first
thing you saw when you walked in our room, and now it's not. :) Moved
the "to read" pile of books on my bedside table to the shelf in the
living room. Instant gratification. I love organising (my cupboards are seriously labelled), drinking water is easy if I'm being reminded by carrying around my lime green bottle. But a lot of my projects cost some serious coin. Time to get creative.
Types of clutter: Visible and Mental
Visible clutter:
Nostalgic: Keeping it just because someone gave it to you.
Conservation: Things you keep that are useful, but not to you (6 serving platters, really?)
Crutch: Things you use but shouldn't (holey socks, but they are so warm!)
Aspirational: Left over material I'm going to turn into pillow covers. Gone!
Outgrown: The old coffee pot we don't use anymore, even though we have a new one.
Buyer's remorse: But I never even wore it! (Probably means I never will.)
The Nagging Tasks: I will not bore you with all the details, although it may make you feel better! I have two pages jam packed with tasks just on house maintenance. I also need to break down some of the bigger projects. Like... Complete our master ensuite. The plumbing hasn't even been roughed in. Not at the top of my priority list right now. But getting the plumbing roughed in seems a lot more manageable than looking at the project as a whole. Especially when I know an amazing plumber who might be willing to trade some services for his girlfriend, hint, hint! (I know she would love to have regular manicures and pedicures!)
Email clutter: I wake up, turn on my phone and wait for the bling, bling, bling, bling, bling notifications of emails of newsletters I don't read, and seriously how many groupon, wagjag, etc deals do I need to see. I have only ever bought one and every morning I get bombarded with all the deals I'm missing out on. I unsubscribed to every one! Does my phone need to bling everytime someone comments on facebook? Nope. I'll check my facebook at the end of the day. Change email preferences. Check.
I feel like I'm off to a pretty great start. I'm feeling more energetic already!
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