Monday, 27 February 2012

And so it begins...

With my vision board complete, I’m officially on my way to completing my “Things-to-do-before-my 30th-birthday” bucket list. The countdown is on! 1 year, 3 months and 11 days. I also want to say, I don’t think my life is over at 30, it’s just the opposite, but I needed to set a deadline and the big 3-0 seemed appropriate. :)

Not only did I want my vision board to be meaningful, I wanted it to be beautiful and organised. My vision board is a Lotus flower and each petal is an area of my life I want to improve or change. In Buddhism, the Lotus flower represents rebirth and growth. The blue lotus flower refers to the common sense; it uses wisdom and logic to create enlightenment. When I look at my vision board, I want to remind myself that by achieving the goals I have set for myself, I am becoming the person I’ve always thought I want to be (and have some fun along the way)!

Career: Have you ever heard the John Casablancas radio ad for their Body Spa program of the little girl singing “Momma’s gonna buy you a mocking bird”, but she has changed the words and is singing about microdermabrasion and mudwraps? The point of the ad is that the little girl was “Born to do this”. I was the kid that would go to my friend’s house, and clean their rooms so I could rearrange for better furniture placement. And instead of drawing pictures of unicorns, I would draw house plans. No joke. I was born to be an interior designer. I live for design.

Goal #1: Apply for the Interior Design program at BCIT.

Health: I’m one of the lucky ones that can eat whatever and not put on weight. Or at least, I used to be. My mom’s been warning me for years, “Wait until you hit 30!” and damn it, she’s right. As I approach the impending date, the pounds go on a bit easier and it takes a bit more work to be rid of them. My husband reminds me that I should work out to be healthy, not to lose weight (what the hell does he know? Lol!). But really, I want to make exercise part of my life, not something I HAVE to do. I love running, but find if I don’t set monthly distance/time goals etc, I’ll take a day off and it turns into 6 months.

Goal #2: Run a 1/2 marathon.

Wellness: As I mentioned, I live for design. My PVR is full of design shows, the only magazines I buy are Canadian House & Home and Style at Home. I have an inspiration binder with all the pages I’ve ripped out from magazines of style ideas. But as I look around my house, I see the missing curtains I don’t have, the unpainted shelves (I finally bought) on either side of my fireplace, the missing area rug for my living room. You get the point. I want to look around and feel relaxed.

Goal #3: Make my house a home.

Money: I’ve purposely placed this petal in the centre of my lotus flower. It’s the one thing that has been holding me back from doing most of the things on my vision board. Money, or, lack thereof. It’s pretty self explanatory. Pay off the debt, then start saving.

Goal #4: Become financially responsible.

Travel: Two big trips I am dying to do. #1: Take my kids to Disneyland. I am a Disney freak! My husband and I even went to Disneyland on our honeymoon. I heard on the radio that statistics say only 10% of parents that promise their kids a trip to “The Happiest Place on Earth” actually take them!!! I REFUSE to be one of those parents. I have been talking to my kids about Disneyland since they were in the womb. Seriously. And I want to take them while it’s still magical. Coincidentally, I discovered Disneyland hosts 1/2 marathon weekends a few times per year and I’m determined to do the Tinkerbell Half Marathon January 18-20th, 2013. Talk about two birds with one stone. #2: Viva Las Vegas for my 30th! I’ve been to Vegas once. With my parents. I was 17. Soooo does not count.

Goal #5: Run through Disneyland, Party it up Vegas style!

Toys: I’ve done my research and wiped up my drool. I want some big kid toys. First and foremost… A MacBook Pro. Beautiful, sleek and all mine. Especially, because I’m going to need something to edit all the pictures and videos I’ll be taking with my new Sony Alpha SLT-a35 DSLR. And really, If I’m going back to school, this is a need, right? ;)

Goal #6: MacBook Pro and Sony DSLR.

Balance: The Happiness Project. If you haven’t read this book by Gretchen Rubin, stop what you are doing (as soon as you finishing reading) and go buy it. Best book I’ve ever read. It’s all about creating balance. To fully explain would be an entire post unto itself. Really, a lot of the things in my vision board will overlap, but one more way to keep myself accountable. I’ve already started implementing some of her ideas into my life, and they really do make me happy. Check it out at
Or get started on your own at

Goal #7: Complete my own Happiness Project.

Well, it seems so simple when it’s written down. Oprah would be proud.

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